Downloading and Installation

Setting Up the Environment


  • STARDIS is only supported on macOS and GNU/Linux. Windows users can run STARDIS on a virtual machine.

  • STARDIS packages and dependencies are distributed only through the conda package management system, therefore installation requires a conda distribution to be installed on your system. STARDIS uses Miniconda or Mamba by default. Other distributions are untested.

STARDIS uses exclusively the packages in the TARDIS enviroment, as well as using the TARDIS code itself. However, since STARDIS can be sensitive to changes in TARDIS, we strongly suggest that users create a separate environment for STARDIS that pins the TARDIS version. To do this, run the following in the terminal (replacing {platform} with linux-64, linux-64-cuda, or osx-64 as applicable).

$ cd <path-to-stardis-directory>
$ conda create --name stardis --file conda-{platform}.lock
$ conda activate stardis
$ pip install git+

The third command (conda activate stardis) activates the environment, which is necessary to correctly install STARDIS using the directions below.

If you are using Mamba, the steps are similar:

$ cd <path-to-stardis-directory>
$ mamba create --name stardis --file conda-{platform}.lock
$ mamba activate stardis
$ pip install git+

Downloading and Installing STARDIS


Both of the below instructions should be run with your stardis virtual environment activated. That is, you should run $ conda activate stardis or $ mamba activate stardis if you are using conda or mamba, respectively, in the terminal before you continue with the directions below.

For Non-Developers

STARDIS can be downloaded for non-developers by running

$ pip install git+

in the terminal.

For Developers

Developers should fork and clone the STARDIS repository. First, fork the repository and configure GitHub to work with SSH keys, and then run the following in the terminal:

$ git clone<username>/stardis.git
$ cd stardis
$ git remote add upstream
$ git fetch upstream
$ git checkout upstream/main
$ pip install -e .[test,docs]